With cushioned bench seating all around, these pontoons can accommodate 10-12 people and/or a maximum of 1,800lbs including coolers and all gear. They are perfect for fishing or bringing pets. * Well-behaved animals are welcome, though the Marina reserves the right to turn away any animals or pet owners who do not have control of their critters. Though these pontoons can accommodate larger groups, a small group of people will be perfectly comfortable as well.
They have swivel chairs in the front, which can be used for light fishing. Nicer upholstery makes for a more comfortable cruising experience. These boats fit a maximum of 6 adults and/or a maximum of 1,400 lbs including coolers and all gear. *Well-behaved animals are welcome, though the Marina reserves the right to turn away any animals or pet owners who do not have control of their critters.
Our cruising pontoons are the best value for money. *Well-behaved animals are welcome, though the Marina reserves the right to turn away any animals or pet owners who do not have control of their critters. Cruising pontoons have nicer, newer upholstery that is comfortable for laying out and sunning on the bench seats, reading a book, or listening to the water as you drift off to nap. Pontoon boats are not built for speed, however these are built for comfort to allow the maximum enjoyment while you are on the lake. With a capacity of 10 passengers, and/or a maximum of 1,500 lbs including coolers and all gear, these are a newer and a bit nicer version of our fishing pontoons. We do have a select few that hold up to 12 passengers. Please call us to book these!
These are our newest boats with our plushest upholstery. This is the boat you want for that perfect Instagram shot, proposing to your SO, birthday celebration, or even if you just want to lounge like kings and queens for a couple of hours. The only thing that’s missing is a cheeseboard and a bottle of champagne or sparkling cider to complete the scene. 10 people and/or 1,500 lbs including coolers and all gear is the maximum limit onboard this boat. We do have a select few that hold up to 12 passengers, but please call us to book these!
*Prices based on the smallest sizes
Our power boats are slightly smaller than the pontoons, though they do pack a punch! Keep in mind that the speed limit on the lake is 35mph, and you’ll need to drive responsibly. A specific speed is never guaranteed because the speed of the boat will be affected by the weight of the passengers, the wind conditions, water turbulence, and temperature. These boats do not have any shade cover, and are priced per hour.
As per lake law, there is no swimming permitted from any rental boat in Big Bear Lake, and you will not be able to tow anything behind the rental boats either (All hands and feet must remain inside the vessel at all times please). Also keep in mind that even on the hottest summer day here in the mountains, the breeze on the lake can be chilly. We recommend bringing layers to keep comfortable, and ample sunscreen to protect from the intense UV rays we get here at altitude.
Food and drink are permitted and even encouraged onboard any of our rental vessels, though you must designate a sober driver (did you know you can get a DUI on a boat just like in a car?), and consume alcohol responsibly. If you are interested in bringing along a picnic, consider renting a table from the marina. Speakers are also available for rental in the event that you want to add some music to your soiree.
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